The Best Time of Year To Hire A Garden Designer

Gardens are living spaces that need thoughtful design and planning. If left unattended, they can become run-down and overgrown.

Designing and executing your garden project requires the right skills, experience and a good sense of design. Our professional team of garden designers at Heard Landscapes can offer you just that and more to transform your garden into a space you want to spend time in. 

That brings us to the question - when is the best time to hire a garden designer? 

While you may typically begin contemplating a new garden project during the spring or summer, it’s recommended to initiate the process during the autumn or winter months. Starting early allows you to navigate challenges related to unfavourable weather conditions and seasonal planting constraints. 

It also provides you the opportunity to secure the services of reputable designers well in advance.

In this blog, we will help you understand the importance of seasons when commencing your garden design process. Armed with this information you will be able to make the right decision, ensuring that your garden flourishes year-round.

Let’s get started!

1. Autumn: A Month of Planning

When you hire a garden designer in fall, you gain in-depth insights into your current garden layout and identify areas that need improvement. This will help you plan adjustments, renovations and planting strategies to enhance the overall aesthetic of your garden. 

Doing this also ensures that your garden is ready to face the winter months. Proper plant selection, protective measures and layout adjustments can help your garden withstand the cold, ensuring resilience for the coming seasons. 

Every garden project is unique, however, we recommend two months of preparation time before work starts. Doing this helps you plan every stage of the design process thoroughly, ensuring the best results.

2. Winter: A Month of Preparation

It’s a common belief that garden designers are primarily occupied during the summer and less active in the winter. But the truth is, that designers maintain a year-round workload. Working from our studio, there’s still plenty to get done in the winter to make sure we’re on track for better weather.

Typically, we’ll receive most of our enquiries about garden design at the start of the year, when people are most excited about having a new garden for spring or summer. In contrast, November and December are usually quieter as Christmas is the primary focus. Besides, the shorter days and bad weather rarely inspire anyone to think about a garden revamp - but maybe it should. 

Surprisingly, this might be the ideal time to contact a designer so you can secure their services before the rush of inquiries in the New Year. By hiring a designer during this time, you ensure that your ideas are thoroughly developed, and all details are ironed out before the planting season arrives. 

Want to see your garden in full bloom next spring? Contact Heard Landscapes to start planning today!

3. Spring: A Month of New Beginnings

Spring arrives with a burst of energy, bringing along warmer weather and longer days. It is the perfect time to utilise the energy that we have stored up during the winter seasons. Many plants awaken from their winter slumber and are ready to bloom in your garden with vibrant colours.

After careful planning and preparation in autumn and winter, spring is the season to put your garden design into action. This is when garden designers roll up their sleeves and start the work. It's also the prime time for planting, as the soil has thawed and is receptive to new growth.

Besides that, if you are seeking a smaller garden design project that primarily involves planting, spring is an ideal time to hire a garden designer. They can help you select the right plant varieties and arrange them strategically, ensuring growth in the spring.

4. Summer: A Month of Full Bloom

As summer arrives, your carefully planned garden begins to come to life in full bloom. The hard work and dedication from the previous months start paying off as you witness a thriving and vibrant outdoor space. However, the garden designer’s job is not yet complete.

During the summer, a garden designer can monitor the progress of your garden, ensuring that the plants are flourishing as intended. They can also guide maintenance and make any necessary adjustments to enhance your garden's beauty and functionality.

Your garden designer can complete construction projects, like installing pathways, seating areas, or water features, during these dryer and warmer conditions. This means that you can see your garden ideas materialise more swiftly.

Contact Heard Landscapes to Transform Your Outdoors Into a Colourful Space!

When it comes to a successful garden design and building project, time is of the essence. If you’re looking to create or redesign your garden, the information provided in this blog will help you to decide the appropriate time to start your project. 

Once you have made up your mind, get in touch with our expert designers at Heard Landscapes to bring your ideas to life! With extensive experience working with many homeowners across the UK, we can design your garden just the way you want!

We have designed a wide range of gardens from the stunning Stoke Newington Courtyard to the compact and immersive garden in Hackney, showcasing our expertise in crafting diverse and captivating outdoor spaces.
Check out our range of beautiful garden projects and contact us on 07939 914104 to learn more about our services!

Becca Heard

Founder Becca Heard, is an experienced landscape architect and has worked at some of the UK’s most sought after garden design and landscape practices before setting up Heard Landscapes.

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4 Reasons To Hire A Professional Garden Designer